2018, Том 12, №1

Research, original papers

Borzykh N.O., Strafun S.S., Savosko S.I., Makarenko O.M., Laksha A.A. The bone ultrastructural changes on combat trau-ma condition represented by scanning electron microscopy

Hrabovskyi Yu.V. Examples of application perfusion pulmonary scintigraphy in assessing treatment efficacy artery pulmonary embolism

Loskutov O.Y., Goreglyad O.M., Bondarenko O.O., Bondarenko N.S. Morphological features of combat wound healing under vacuum assistance wound therapy

Novikov S.P., Kirillova L.A., Novikova P.S., Tverdokhleb I.V. Optimization of anesthetic management of surgical treatment of colorectal cancer. Part III: clinical and morphological aspects

Pivovarenko Y.V. Arborization of salt crystals in the aspect of plant morphology

Rusyn V.V., Keniuk A.T., Goncharuk-Khomyn M.Y. Analysis of dynamic changes of the bone substi-tutes size parameters during the reconstruction of alveolar ridge under exposure to different influencing factors

Silkina Yu.V., Volkov K.S., Shevchenko K.V. Morphometric characteristics of the resistant link of salivary gland’s hemomicrocircular rate of rats in chronic ethanol intoxication

Urzhumov V.D., Zakharenko V.V., Ivanova A.O., Sorokina I.V., Lytvynenko E.Yu., Myroshnychenko M.S., Gurev A.S. Lymphocytoma of the skin in the pathologist practice: clinical-morphological analysis of the case from practice

Feleshtinsky Ya.P., Kokhanevich A.V., Dyadyk O.O., Zaritskaya V.I., Smishchuk V.V., Demkovich O.P.Experimental and morphological reasoning of glutinous fixation of polypropylene mesh implant to the muscles of the abdominal wall

Scientific research methodology

Patrias K., author; Wendling D., editor  Citing Medicine: The NLM Style Guide for Authors, Editors, and Publishers