Requirements for Manuscript Submission


General requirements

This information is based upon the "Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts submitted to Biomedical Journals" which authors can find online (translation into Russian language published in our journal earlier - 2010 volume 4, number 1).

Journal «Morphologia» publishes reviews and topical articles, lectures, original papers, case reports, review and comments on publications, manuals and monographs, materials in research methodology, announcements, news, reports, presentations, and materials on the history and chronicles in morphology.

Editorial office examines materials of publications in compliance with copyright and ethical norms of scientific publication (see Appendix 1).

Editorial Board accepts the materials written in English, Ukrainian, and Russian languages​​.

When submitting a manuscript, authors should consider and disclose potential conflicts of interest or clearly state their absence (more information can be found in section «D. Conflicts of Interest» of the "Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts submitted to Biomedical Journals").

In the case when submitted manuscript contains personally identifiable information of study participants authors should provide their written permission to publish such materials.

In the manuscripts should be clearly indicated compliance with the principles of bioethics set in the Declaration of Helsinki and in the Law of Ukraine "About protection of animals from violent behavior” (№ 1759 -VI 15 Dec 2009) or equivalent documents of the national level of other countries.

Technical requirements for the manuscripts

Size of Review, critical articles or lectures should be from 12 up to 36 typewritten pages, original articles - from 8 up to 24 pages, including illustrations, other publications – on consideration with the editorial office.

The text is printed with 1.5 line spacing, font size 14, Times New Roman. Paragraph indent – 10 mm, all margins - 20 mm.

Article must be done in RTF or "document Microsoft Word».

The structure of the manuscript:


• Title of the article (no abbreviations)

• Author (s): initials, surname

• ORCID identifier of every author

• e-mail of the responsible author

• The official name of the institution (affiliation), the city

• Data about communication of publication with the planned research project, foundation source, institutions, grants (if available)

• Summary in English language

• Text of the article

Abstract of the article

(Design rules)

Extended abstract (from 1800 up to 2200 symbols) in English should be submitted with next mandatory elements: title of the article, Family name and first names of all authors, their affiliations, the actuality of research (Background), purpose (Objective), methods (Methods), results (Results), conclusions (Conclusion), keywords (Key words).

Because of the processing of the metadata of each article by scientometric databases authors should pay especial attention to the particular importance of careful designation of names of institutions and authors, as it affects the success of their identification and calculation by scientometric indicators.

In the text of the original article authors should follow the sequence of mandatory components:

o Background

o Purpose

o Materials and Methods

o Results and discussion

o The conclusion (or conclusions)

o Prospects for further investigations

o References (see Appendix)

In the text of the article all the physical units should be given in system SI, terms - according to the anatomical and histological nomenclature, names of diseases - according to the current International Classification of Diseases, drugs - at the International Nonproprietary Name (INN).

All abbreviations at their first mention must be decrypted. Use of abbreviations in the title and abstract is not allowed.

A citation of the original documents in the text of the manuscript should be implemented in square parentheses indicating the sequence number in the list of references. Acceptable also to cite as: "... according to I.I.Ivanova et al [8], RT Smith and colleagues [12] ... ". Citations of several primary sources in the text should be separated as follows: "... [2, 4, 6-8]".

Article may contain diagrams, graphs and tables constructed by internal means of MS Word. To denote footnotes, it is recommended to use the elements in the following order: *, †, ‡, §, ||, ¶, **, ††, ‡‡. Photoillustrations are submitted electronically as separate files in JPEG or TIFF with minimal resolution 150 dpi. The text of the article should include drawings after the first reference to them, figure captions need to be done in the original language and in English mandatory.

The manuscript should be carefully edited by the authors. All articles are subjected to peer review procedure.

For primary expertise manuscript and information about the author (affiliation, position, scientific degrees and academic titles of authors) should be sent to e -mail at: In case of article acceptance a scanned copy of the "Copyright Agreement" with the signature of the responsible author is sent to editorial office.



(Rules and examples of the list)

All references cited in the paper must be arranged in a list in order of their first mentioning in the text. Abbreviations of journal titles are provided in accordance with the standards of Index Medicus. The author is responsible for the accuracy of the data provided in the bibliography.

Each used bibliographic source must be designated in the text (in square parentheses). References to unpublished work or materials as a manuscript (dissertations, reports) are not allowed.

Each source in the list should be composed an international standard format Vancouver reference style (NLM/PubMed). In case of presence of the electronic copy of the cited document in the Internet, it is desirable to place the URL of the document at the end of the reference, also indicate the DOI and PMID of the article if it is available. When citing periodicals, with more than one title, preference should be given to English one.

Quick start guide on the arrangement of standard references in accordance with international requirements of Vancouver reference style.

Reference to an article published in a periodical:

All authors should be indicated, separate them with a comma and a space. Initials are placed after the surnames, they are not separated by punctuation. Full names of the authors are not given. After the list of authors put a dot and a space. Article title written in English is given in square parentheses. After the title of the article put a dot and a space. For publications originally written in English title is not placed in square parentheses. Indicate journal title in English or by transliteration with symbols of the latin alphabet. It is possible to use the registered abbreviation of the periodical title. The title of the journal is preceded by a point and a space. Publication Information: year of publication separated by a semicolon, and then the volume number, the number of issue, placed in parentheses and after them put the colon and pagination. For an article published not in English, at the end of the reference indicate the original language. Additional information about the article - DOI, PubMed ID, and so on could be added at the end.

Reference to a book:

All authors should be indicated, separate them with a comma and a space. Initials are placed after the surnames, they are not separated by punctuation. Full names of the authors are not given. The authors of the first ans second range are separated by semicolon. The authors of the second range – editors, translators. After the list of authors put a dot and a space. Book title: original name in English or transliteration/translation with the symbols of latin alphabet in square parentheses. After book title there is a dot and a space. Number of issue (in format 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th), additional information about issue reviewed (rev.), enlarged (enl.), representational (repr.) etc. The first edition is mentioned only in case of assured existence of more than one editions of this book. Place of publication - specify the city and if it is important - country in parentheses. After specifying the place of publication there is a colon and a space. Publisher indicated in Latin transliteration or in its English name. After publisher there is a semicolon and a space. Year of publication, after pointing it put a dot and a space. The book pages (for example, 568 p.), after it put a period and a space. For a book published not in English, at the end of the reference indicate the original language.

Reference to a conference materials:

All authors should be indicated, separate them with a comma and a space. Initials are placed after the surnames, they are not separated by punctuation. Full names of the authors are not given. After the list of authors put a dot and a space. Publication title written in English is given in square parentheses. For publications originally written in English title is not placed in square parentheses. After the title of the publication put a dot and a space. Connecting phrase – «In:». Name of the conference written in English in square parentheses. For the conferences originally named in English the name is not placed in square parentheses. After the title, put a dot and a space. The most comprehensive data about the conference should be indicated - dates, place and so on. Publisher - the city of the publication and publisher name transliterated with Latin alphabet or English name. After specifying a publisher put a semicolon and a space. Year of publication with a dot and a space. For materials published not in English, at the end of the reference indicate the original language.

Reference to a patent:

All authors should be indicated, separate them with a comma and a space. Initials are placed after the surnames, they are not separated by punctuation. Full names of the authors are not given. After list of authors (inventors) put the coma and word ‘inventor’ or ‘inventors’, then the semicolon and space. Assignee – put the name of person (the same rules as for the inventor) or the name of organization, then put coma and the word ‘assignee’, than dot and space. The title of the invention; put a dot and a space after it. Index(es) of the International Patent Classification given after Int. Cl., If more than one - separated by a semicolon. After specifying all the indices put a dot and a space. For materials not published in English at the end of the reference indicates the original language.