2016, Том 10, №3

З.М.Дубоссарська, Л.П.Грек, В.Р.СкорикМорфологічні особливості еутопічного ендометрію у пацієнток з аденоміозом та синдромом хронічного тазового болю

В.Г.Дуденко, В.Ю.Вдовіченко Топографо-морфометричні характеристики пірамід верхнього кінця нирки людини зрілого та похилого віку

О.О.Дядик, О.С.Балтьонкова Системний амілоїдоз з переважним ураженням серця: оригінальне спостереження

О.О.Дядик, А.В.Григоровська Особливості гістологічної будови та диференційної діагностики теносиновіальної гіганто-клітинної пухлини дифузного типу та її малігнізованої форми

Е.А.Дядык, И.О.Жданова, К.В.Романенко, Л.Г.Некрасова, О.О.Боровая Особенности лечебного патоморфоза кожи больных псориазом после ультрафиолетовой средневолновой терапии узкого спектра (311 нм)

О.О.Дядик, Л.Г.Некрасова, В.І.Зарицька, Т.В.Тімоніна, П.П.СнісаревськийЗлоякісна пухлина Бреннера: опис клінічного випадку

І.І.Заморський, В.М.Драчук, О.М.Горошко Вплив адеметіоніну на морфологічні зміни у нирках щурів при експериментальному рабдоміоліозі

І.І.Заморський, Т.С.Щудрова Вплив органоспецифічних пептидів на морфологічні зміни нирок щурів за умов розвитку їх ішемічно-реперфузійного пошкодження

І.Заставний, А.Ященко, І.Ткач Дослідження вуглеводних детермінант ворсинок хоріона при ранньому невиношуванні вагітності

В.А.Туманский, А.А.Попович, С.А.Попович, Л.М.Туманская Иммуногистохимические дифференциально-диагностические особенности доброкачественной гиперплазии, интраэпителиальной неоплазии и рака предстательной железы

В.А.Туманский, А.В.Чепец Сравнительная иммуногистохимическая характеристика экспрессии рецепторов эстрогена-α и прогестерона, р16 и р53, Ki-67 и каспазы-3 в инвазивной эндометриоидной аденокарциноме тела матки различной степени дифференцировки

І.С.Хріпков Ультраструктурні особливості реакції білок-синтезуючого апарату фолікулярних ендокриноцитів щитоподібної залози при дистантній взаємодії з пухлиною

С.Ю.Чайковська Аналіз вікової динаміки щільності кісткової тканини різних ділянок тіла нижньої щелепи у дітей дошкільного віку

О.Г.Черненко, О.М.Іванова, М.О.Гук, Е.А.Даневич, С.О.Руденко, В.П.Сільченко, Т.А.Малишева Морфологічна характеристика та критерії інвазивності аденом гіпофіза

Reviews and topical articles

Aliyeva E.G., Sulaieva O.N.Role of dendritic cells in maintenance of the skin structural homeostasis

Zavgorodniaia M.I., Makeieva L.V., Slavcheva O.S., Sulaieva O.N.Cellular and molecular basics of the wound heal-ing

Moskalenko R.A., Romanіuk A.M.Evolution of ideas about pathological mineralization in soft tissues (literature review)

Slobodian O.M., Lavriv L.P., Kostyuk V.O.Ontogenetic features of the formation of the mandible structure

Fedchenko M.M., Fedchenko M.P., Shponka I.S. Perspectives of cytomeres use in biology and medicine

Shynkarenko T.V., Shpon‘ka І.S., Kornilov B.Y.Diagnostic algorithms for astrocytic brain tumors in adults according to revised classification of central nervous system tumors

Research, original papers

Abdul-Ogly L.V., Kozlovskaja A.A., Rutgayzer V.G., Dubovik К.I., Belskaya Е.О.Morphometric parameters of the umbilical cord within the standart at infringenment of the formation of the placenta

Adamovych O.Analysis of quantitative and qualitative features of the intervertebral discs of the cervical part of the vertebral column in individuals of the juvenile age of both sexes

Boychuk T.M., Kmet T.I., Kmet O.G.Morphometric changes in Bcl-2+-cells of the parietal lobe cortex induced by incomplete global cerebral ischemia-reperfusion in male rats with streptozotocin-induced diabetes mellitus

Vasylchyshyna А.V., Khmara Т.V., Ryznychuk М.О.Morphometric parameters of pelvis in perinatal period of human ontogenesis

Vovk O.Y., Sukhonosov R.A.Individual anatomical variability of main craniometric indicators in adult humans

Vovk O.Y., Boguslavskiy Y.V., Shmarhalov A.O.Сraniotopografic features of dural venous formations

Voloshyn M.A., Abrosimov Yu.Yu.Features of cells and extracellular matrix ratio in rat meniscus for motor activity formation during the first two weeks of postnatal life in norm and after intrafetal antigen injection

Voloshin M.A., Bohdanov P.V.Dynamics of relative area of rat liver structures in early postnatal period in norm and after intrauterine effect of an antigen or glucocorticoids

Gavrilyuk E.M.CD117+ cells/telocytes in chronic steatohepatitis and hepatitis C virus infection: histotopographic and quantitative features

Нerasуmyuk I.Ye., Ilkiv O.P.The features of structural remodeling of rat testicles at poststrumectomic hypothyroidism

Golotiuk V.V., Bagriy M.M.Allocation and dynamics of inducible nitric oxide synthase expression in patients with rectal cancer under the influence of neoadjuvant chemoradiotherapy and their relationship with efficiency of polyradiomodification with the usage of L-arginine

Gubina-Vakulik G.I., Gancheva E.V., Naumova O.V.Pathological anatomy of the placenta in pregnant women with pyelonephritis

Husak E.V., Solodovnik O.V., Mischenko O.M., YanovskaА.A., Iarmolenko O.S., Kurganska V.O., Diedkova K.A., Pogorielov M.V.Investigation of pure magnesium alloy behavior in-vitro in simulated body solutions

Husak E.V., Danylchenko S.M., Gordienko O.V., Inshyna N.M., Oleshko O.M., Pogorielov M.V.Surface chemistry of biological apatites in miner-alized tissues (on the example of spongy bone tissue)

Davydova L.N., Tkach G.F., Sikora V.Z., Maksymova O.S., Muravskyi D.V.The morphological transformations of the rat tongue under the conditions of general dehydration

Denisenko S.A., Gubina-Vakulik G.I., Andreev A.V.Morphological changes in pituitary-adrenal and pituitary-testes systems in rats which were intrau-terine exposed to weak electromagnetic radiation

Dubossarskaya Z.M., Grek L.P., Skorik V.R.Morphological features eutopic endometrium in women with adenomyosis and chronic pelvic pain syndrome

Dudenko V.G., Vdovichenko V.I.Topographic and morphometric characteristics of human renal pyramids of the upper end at mature and elderly ages

Dyadyk O.O., Baltonkova O.S.System amyloidosis with predominant heart disease: own observations

Dyadyk E.A., Hryhorovska A.V.Features of histological structure and differential diagnostics of the diffuse-type giant cell tumor and its malignant form

Dyadyk E.A., Zhdanova I.O., Nekrasova K.V., Borovaya O.O.Features of treatment pathomorphosis in the skin of psoriatic patients undergoing narrowband UV-B therapy (311nm)

Dyadyk O.O., Nekrasova L.G., Zaryczka V.I., Timonina T.V., Snisarevskyi P.P.Malignant Brenner tumor: a case report

Zamorskii I.I., Drachuk V.M., Goroshko O.M.The effect of ademetionine on morphological changes in the kidneys of rats under experimental rhabdomyolysis

Zamorskii I.I., Shchudrova T.S.The effect of organospecific peptides on morphological changes in kidneys of rats with ischemia-reperfusion kidney injury

Zastavnyy I., Yashchenko A., Tkach I.Chorionic villi carbohydrate determinants study in early pregnancy loss

Kashperuk-Karpiuk I.S., Tsyhykalo O.V., Oliinyk I.Yu.Microscopic anatomy of the urinary bladder in newborns

Kenyuk A.T.Perspectives of images superimposition principle use during the registration of periimplant bone dynamic changes

Kozlov S.V., Suloev K.N., Aleksin G.B., Tkachenko A.V.Positional asphyxia

Koldunov V.V., Rodins'kij O.G., Kozlova Yu.V, Gerbas T.Yu.Analysis of expression of immunohistochemical markers of apoptosis and proliferation in the hippocampus of rats with experimental cardiomyopathy

Kryvchanska M.I., Ryznychuk M.O., Pishak V.P.Morphological and functional changes in kidneys caused by propranolol: effects of melatonin

Markovskiy V.D., Sakal A.A.Morphofunctional state of the liver of rat progeny from mothers, infected with Esherichia Coli (experimental research)

Militsa K.M., Sorokina I.V., Myroshnychenko M.S., Pliten O.N.Immunohistochemical features of fat tissue of epiploon and subcutaneous fat tissue in patients with overweight, obesity and metabolic syndrome

Mykha S.Yu., Volkov K.S., Nebesna Z.M., Kramar S.B.Electronmicroscopic changes of the testes at the early stages after experimental thermal injury

Nazarian R.S., Krivenko L.S., Gargin V.V.Tissue nitric oxide synthase activity in the oral cavity in atopic disease

Novikov S.P., Chebanov K.O., Kirillova L.A., Petruk N.S., Frolov K.B., Tverdokhleb I.V.Optimization of anesthetic management of surgical treatment of colorectal cancer: сlinical and morphological parallels

Pertseva N.O.Ultrastructural platelet disorders in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus and hypertension

Petruk N.S.Analysis of the influence of ontogenetic time and prenatal hypoxia factors on the morphometric parameters of the specialized contact apparatus in the rat ventricular myocardium

Povstyaniy V.A.Expert and diagnostic criteria to identify the time death according to the study Achilles tendons in late postmortem period

Raskaliei T.Ya., Raskaliei., V.B., Shobat L.B., Gavriliuk-Skiba G.O.Histochemical study of skeletal muscles in exper-imental spinal cord blunt injury

Redyakina O.V.Morphometric characteristics of the brainstem of middle-aged people

Reshetnikova, O.S., Morozov, S.A.Morphology of the parotid gland of rats under conditions of experimental intrauterine growth retardation

Savka I.I., Dzhalilova E.E.Changes in the microstructure of testicle in diabetes in the experiment

Sorokina I.V., Bocharova T.V.Certain aspects of premature aging of the immune system at prolonged light stress

Sorokina I.V., Markovsky V.D., Borzenkova I.V., Myroshnychenko M.S., Pliten O.NMorphological features of the glomerular appa-ratus of fetuses and newborns kidneys in model-ing different hypoxia

Stanishevskaya N.V.Changes of the intradermal oxygen tension after modeling of myocardium necrosis in different stages of ischemic preconditioning

Stepanenko O.Yu., Maryenko N.I.Structure and individual anatomical variability of the I-III lobules of the human cerebellar hemispheres

Tovazhnianska V.D., Sorokina I.V., Yakovtsova I.I.Influence of maternal infection caused by Klebsialle pneumonia on morphologic and functional state of fetuses’ adrenal glands cortex (experimental research)

Trofimova А.V., Chizh N.А., Belochkina I.V., Volina V.V., Sandomirskiy B.P.Morphological characteristics of heart after induction of therapeutic hypothermia and the introduction of mesenchymal stromal cells in therapy of experimental myocardial infarction

Tryasak N.S., Silkina Yu.V.Features of histologiacal morfology of components of the coronary arterial wall in experimental atherosclerosis

Tumanskiy V.A., Popovich A.A., Popovich S.A., Tumanskaja L.M.Peculiarities of immunohistochemical differential diagnosis of benign prostatic hyperplasia, intraepithelial neoplasia and prostate cancer

Tumanskiy V.A., Chepets A.V.Comparison of immunohistochemical characteristics of expression estrogen receptors-alpha, progesterone receptors, p16, p53, Ki-67 and caspase 3 in invasive endometrial adenocarcinoma of different grade

Khripkov I.S.The ultrastructural features of the reaction of protein - synthesizing apparatus of follicular cells of the thyroid gland at distant interaction with the tumor

Chaykovska S.Y.The analysis of age density dynamics of bone tissue of the different parts of lower jaw in preschool children

Chernenko О., Ivanova О., Guk N., Danevych Е., Rudenko S., Sil’chenko V., Malysheva Т.Morphological characteristic and criteria of invasiveness of pituitary adenomas

Chertenko T.N., Yakovtsova I.I.Clinical and morphological features of diffuse gliomas in population of Kharkiv region from 2000 to 2014

Shpon‘ka I.S., Grytsenko P.O., Shinkarenko T.V.Morphological characteristics of primary diffuse large B-cell lymphoma of the central nervous system

Shchur M.B., Yashchenko A.M.Morphological aspects of eyeball functional units during exogenous hypothyroidism, induced by mercazolilum

Yakovtsova I.I., Tkachenko P.V., Dolgaya O.V., Ivachno I.V.Prognostic significance of stromal сomponent in prostate cancer

Yaremenko L.M., Slichna G.M., Grabovoy A.N., Chukhrai S.N., Slichniy I.V.Actin expression in the sensorimotor cortex of the cerebral hemispheres during modeling of the transient ischemia and after immunocorrection

Scientific research methodology

Vovk Y.N.Сlinical anatomy - the basis of modern morphology and surgery

Dyadyk O., Sil’chenko V., Irkin I., Shatrova C., Rudenko S., Zaritskaya V.Ethics and deontology teaching to doctors-interns at the department of pathological anatomy

Kosharniy V.V., Pavlov A.I., Kozlov S.V.Metods of diagnostic in the head-brain injury

Malakhov S.S.New methods and devices for investigation of the dura mater encephali and its processes

Mishalov V.D., Michailenko O.V.New opportunities in laboratory diagnostics of shot products by their x-ray fluorescence spectral element analysis

Poslavskaya O.V.Determination of linear dimensions and square surfaces areas of morphological objects on micrographs using ImageJ software

Pototskaya.O.Yu., Shevchenko K.M., Marchenko D.G., Morozova S.B., Filimonova L.A.Comparative analysis of secondary education in India and higher medical education in Ukraine taking into account the Bologna system

Shatov D.V., Pikalyuk V.S., Shalanin V.V.Review of quantitative methods for assessing lung injury

Shatorna V.F., Belska Yu.O., Harets V.I.Histological, immunohistochemical and ultra-structural features of the fetal liver morphology under the influence of lead and nanometals

Patrias K., author; Wendling D., editorCiting Medicine: The NLM Style Guide for Authors, Editors, and Publishers

News, chronicle, history

Protsenko E.S., Padalko V.I., Remneva N.A., Kirichenko M.I.Histologist NK Kulchytsky: scientific and socio-political activities (to the 160th anniversary of his birth)